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Explore the fascinating realm of artificial intelligence through a variety of hands-on workshops and inspiring talks from tech leaders that will unleash your curiosity, build new skills, and connect you with like-minded peers.

This is a virtual program with sessions taking place every Saturday from 12pm-2pm PST from March 7 through April 13, 2024. If you’re not available for every session, don’t worry! They will be recorded and shared with you so you can participate on your own schedule. At the end of our quest, we’ll celebrate with a showcase of your work and a prize raffle. The more workshops you complete, the better your chances are at winning some great prizes! All participants will receive a free ChickTech swag pack and a map with stickers to track your progress. Registering will also give you exclusive access to a special virtual event co-hosted by our friends at Disney (more info coming soon). 

Registration is now closed.

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Log in below with your email address to view the full workshop schedule and details, including Zoom links and any materials or steps needed to prepare!​